Monday, June 15, 2009

I Hate To Say I Told You So, But...

Nostradamus remains heralded as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, prognosticators in human history. This dude is controversial, but he allegedly nailed many of his ancient predictions, including predicting the death of King Henry II of France, the Burning of London, the beginning of WWII, and Clay Aiken finishing behind Ruben Studdard in Season Two of American Idol.

Something tells me that's not the first time Clay Aiken has finished behind another man.

*Disclaimer: The opinions of the person writing this blog do not necessarily represent the writer of this blog's opinions.

I mean, c'mon, either Nostradamus had the biggest set of balls in the history of mankind, or he was just trying to raise a ruckus with his bold, unfounded proclamations. I'm guessing a little bit of both.

I tried to look up Nostradamus' full name, just for shits and giggles. Several convenient sources, possibly unreliable, inform me that "Nostradamus" is a latin language form of his real name, Michel de Notredame. One of these sources also describe him as a "Christian Jew" which I find to be akin to a calling someone a carnivorous vegetarian. And for those of you who want to enlighten me about the intricacies of what a Christian Jew might actually be, save your breath. I don't care.

Anyway, Nostradamus' last name is Notredame? Notre Dame? Michael of Notre Dame? If the University of Notre Dame hired a janitor named Michael, and this janitor started waxing philosophical about the imminent destruction of mankind in 2012, would we herald him as the second coming of Nostradamus, or lock him away in a maximum security facility and throw away the key? Trick question: We would take him to TGI Fridays and buy him shots until he passed out, and then ditch him at last call and leave the bar tab in his name.

Well, Nostradamus needs to make room in his trophy case. There's a new kid on the scene: Captain Obvious. Coincidentally, The Male Soap Opera and I were both waiting at the same bus stop when Captain Obvious stopped to pick us up, but for some reason, I was the only one to climb aboard. I think MSO was too busy dramatizing (read: Twittering) the Brett Favre updates and failed to latch on to the reality of the situation.

I hate to say I told you so, but...

I only posted to let everyone know that I was right. Just a few days since I posted my opinion on the BF saga, it turns out that there actually was NO saga! Imagine that. My analysis on the issue was exactly right - that this was a single issue (not a saga) and there was only one real issue to report: the viability of BF's arm. (See earlier post). And it was spot on with respect to recent developments.

Just read these quotes and compare them to my previous post about the simplicity of the BF story. BF himself said almost EXACTLY what I wrote mere days ago.

BF was quoted in the "Lost Angeles" Times yesterday from his recent interview with Joe Buck:

"It makes perfect sense as far as coming back because it's an offense that I ran for 16 years," Favre said, adding: "I could teach the offense."

"They do have a great running back, they have a great running game,"

"I don't think you can go past anything more than the arm," said Favre, who turns 40 in October. "If that's not up to par -- and is not up to par when the time comes -- then you can't play. I went through it last year, and I gutted it out or whatever, but it affected me, and it affected our team. I can't do that again, and I won't do that again. . . ."

It's not in my personality to point out when I am right. In fact, I will openly point out when I am wrong and own up to it. However, in this case, I can't take too much credit. The handwriting was on the wall. Anyone with any bit of common sense could interpret this story and see it unfold from a mile away, yet the Male Soap Opera kept shoving it up our butt, almost in a desperate ploy to demand our attention at a time when there was nothing actually newsworthy enough to warrant that attention.

Yes, I told you so, but don't give me too much credit. You don't need to be Nostradamus to predict the obvious.


  1. Automatically devalued due to any association with Joe Buck.

  2. Agreed. Check out the Youtube clip of Artie Lange from The Howard Stern Show projectile vomiting in Joe Buck's grill. Serves him right for thinking he can have a cutting edge show on HBO. In your face, Buck. Go back to your home planet already.
