Thursday, June 18, 2009

Death To Twitter

Seriously, can anyone really argue against this?

Even if you Tweet, I have to believe you hate the concept of Twitter, unless, of course, you are a total Twit.

Twitter reminds me of all those social interactions you had growing up where you’d be sitting in a circle of people/friends/acquaintances and having a good conversation. Then, out of nowhere, that one kid would say something that would bring the conversation to a screeching halt.

It would go something like this:

Guy #1: Oh man, Britney Spears is SOOOO HOT!!!

Guy #2: Totally, dude. She’s smokin’.

Guy #3: Yeah! And what about Beyonce… that chick is bangin’!

Guy #4: Bro, they’d both be screamin’ “If You Seek Amy” when I walked in the room!

Twit #1: Awww yeah! But you gotta admit Bea Arthur was the original freak! Y’know?

Then, as you got older and sat through discussion groups in college, and then meetings at your workplace, you realized that the “Twit” who said the idiotic thing still existed. Except, this time, he/she took the form of your annoying classmate, coworker, or even worse, your boss.

That’s the problem with Twitter. Everyone SHOULD NOT have a voice. In fact, most people should just keep their mouth shut.

Always remember the old adage: “It is better to remain silent and have everyone think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”. That’s Twitter.
Of course, that makes this entire post ironic, or at the very least allows one to label me the pot who calls the kettle black.

There’s too much to say about this in just one post.

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