Friday, December 11, 2009

Follow This

Time to start cashing in on my promises of old, and this promise comes as a deviation from the primary focus of this blog.

First on the list is to introduce you to the next major thing. As you will see, This is some straight thug ass shit. Actually, it could be considered clinically insane.

I personally don't care for Twitter, but I think I found one individual it works perfectly for. In the grand scheme of things, I don't care about the minutae of everyone's life. I'm not being rude, but I don't care if Jason is "feeling bummed that Texas lost" or Becca is "loving the new season of Gossip Girl" or Gary is "don't buy a Nissan cuz they suck". I care about the important things, like when Jack's pizza is 4 for 10 dollars, when Arby's is running 5 for 5 dollars, and when Monster Jam is showing reruns. What it boils down to is that I'm just not interested in useless information. This is the source of my distaste (mostly) for Facebook and Twitter. Tweet me all day about Whopper Wednesday. Bring it. But as far as useless information is concerned, first came Facebook, then came Twitter, then came a baby in the baby shitter.

No need to take offense, as I know many of you out there use Twitter. That's fine. I guess, as you will see, I'm open minded enough to recognize that what might be considered minutae to one person might be very important to another. But only if that person is a cat.

Check it out:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hello, boys! I'm baaaack!!

Memorializing the final words of Randy Quaid's character when he saves the world and flies his fighter jet up the puckerhole of the alien spacecraft hovering over Area 51 in the final battle scene of the 1996 blockbuster hit "Independence Day"..... "Hello boys! I'm baaack!!!"

If you don't remember, Independence Day almost singlehandedly reinvigorated our great nation into the major disaster movie genre. 'Twas (in the Christmas spirit) the first real significant disaster movie to lay total waste to the White House - a feat which still wins our hearts in the recent movie "2012". There were many followers to lay waste to the Earth, most of which were remakes. A quick list would include The Day After Tomorrow, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The War of the Worlds, Brokeback Mountain, and The War After the Day the World Stood Still Tomorrow.

In fact, Independence Day was one of the first movies in memory to use viral marketing to promote itself. Nowadays, "viral marketing" is pigeonholed into the sole concept of web promotion, but back in 1996, you better believe I was watching the Steelers-Cowboys Superbowl XXX and at halftime saw a 3o second commercial come on TV that consisted solely of a gigantic UFO hovering over the White House for about 5 seconds, then shooting a blue laser into the White House and blasting it into smithereens, followed by a fade to black, and then a slow fade back in, showing only the date "July 4". As of that moment, my summer movie plans became very clear.

Anyway, just a few quick hits to confirm my reestablished presence on this board. First, look back at my Brett Favre comments from June/July. I was totally correct. Second, I will recount my mission to South Bend Regional Airport as promised in my last post.

Third, and most predictably (Since Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens are so boring this year) I have a predictably-predictable prediction about the Tiger Woods story, which I will predicably convey in my next post. My prediction will not come true for about 12-16 months, but I assure you it will come true. Totally predictable.

But, for now, Will Smith vs. Outer Space Octopus. Welcome to Earth.

"Welcome to Earth" Link: